I love these Celebrate Family sessions! And this Great Island Common Family Photo Shoot is no exception. They’re also a family that’s been a part of my life, and my business, for over five years.
It all started with this lovely couple on the left. They met, fell in love, and had these three beautiful children. Who’ve since all grown into wonderful human beings…Who’ve married and created adorable human beings of their own! Brian and Liz on the right had a stylish Downtown Portsmouth Wedding, and I’ve done at home newborn sessions for the four youngest grandchildren. But this was the first time I had the whole crew together since the girls were tiny and big cousin Jackson was in his mama’s belly at the wedding!
Two brothers with their two sons.
And the whole clan! (The whole super stylish clan I should say!) Siblings, Cousins, Friends. Family!
These two could not be happier to be grandparents!
Each family had its own interpersonal dynamic, and each of the kids had spectacular confidence and charm. (It runs in the family, believe me)
However, they are all kids. Some of them younger than others. This is one of the best ‘outtakes’ of all time. The two youngest girls did not really want any part of this session, and it was close to nap time. The boys just wanted to play, and the older girls were absolute troopers in trying to get the younger kids to cooperate. We had the four older ones lined up, and went to put the girls in super quick, and in a micro-second, it went from almost wonderfully composed picture – to this. This perfect representation of life. Of childhood. Of family.
After we all laughed our heads off, we calmed down the babies and gave it one more go.
It takes a lot of great women to keep these men in line 😉
I had so much fun at this Great Island Common Family Photo Shoot, as I always do with any of this group!