NH Brand Photographer

Level Up! Take your online presence to the next step!

Your brand isn’t about a logo or a website. It’s not about the color scheme or font choice.

Don’t misunderstand, these things are important, but on their own, they don’t set the intention of who you are and what your business can do. 

Your brand is more than that. It is the sum of all its parts. It’s everything together that creates a feeling that ultimately makes the customer choose between you, and someone else who does something like you do. Your brand creates a consistent message that helps customers recognize and trust you. And like in all relationships, trust is key.

On average, we as a society have an 8-second attention span.

One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi. Four Mississippi. Five Mississippi. Six Mississippi. Seven Mississippi. Eight Mississippi. Nin… And poof. On to the next distraction.

How do you get your potential clients to stop and take notice? How do you engage them in a way that will lead to Mississippis nine, ten, eleven and beyond?

Intentional content creation. We process visual information 60,000 times faster than text.

Enter, visual marketing. Storytelling.

Visual marketing is not just about needing a good headshot (which you do). You need content to share across several online platforms in an ongoing manner. The more content you have at the ready, the less often you’ll panic, ‘what am I going to post today!?’

Imagine having a library of images that highlights your passion, infuses your personality, and uplevels your brand. That’s content for connection.

What inspires you to take action? How can you inspire action from your clients? Think about how transforming your business with charismatic, engaging images will resonate. Highlight

Your process, your workspace, your behind the scenes, and the tools that make your business run like the well oiled machine it is.  Connect to them in a way stock images and words don’t.

You are unique, but you are not alone. You don’t just run a business, you live a life, you have a past, you’re making a future. What makes you … you? When do you feel most like yourself?

Your enthusiasm and experiences shape you and what you create. Energize your brand by sharing your story and the very essence of who you are and why you do what you do. Let me help you share that with the world.

Make a lasting first impression, keep them coming back to see what you’re up to, and excited for what’s coming next!

Nicole of Nicole Mower Events did just that.

Her first Instagram Post using her PBP images got nearly 5 times the engagement of previous posts!

Content for connection. That’s where it’s at!

Check out her images, and then check out more about PBP with MKP!

How will you tell your story!?


A few questions from my favorite planner.

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