In part one of NH Headshot Photographer‘s tips to headshots we learned
- To thine own self be true
- Turtle it
- String it along
And now for a few more tips!
Stare down. Look intently down the lens. Try and see the shutter clicking. Concentrate. Be intentional. The results are a win either way. You look serious and smoldering, or you burst into authentic laughter, and that’s just as fantastic!
Leave the tents to the campers. Regardless of your size, clothes that are more tailored and less tent-like are always more flattering. Whatever you’re working with, flaunt your shape. Solid colors, simple patterns, bright ties or statement necklaces are all great options.
If it bends, bend it. Photography is geometry. Ew, no. Just kidding, I hated geometry. But you do want to think about the angles. Elbows, wrists, knees, knuckles – shouldn’t be locked, and incorporating triangles to keep your elbows away from your body and your stance strong, can be helpful.
Practice makes perfect. (Stop it, you’re already perfect) but to maximize the awesomeness of these images, spend some time working on these ideas. Try on a few outfits and take some iPhone images in a full-length mirror, or better yet have someone do it for you so you can see if there’s anything you want to make sure you adjust during the session.
Bottom line? Laugh it off. All of these tips and tricks will help to accentuate your best parts, but when it comes down to it, letting your personality shine is the crux of it all.
Special thanks to Tami at Cameron Prestige RE in Amesbury, MA for coordinating this headshot happy hour! (And providing wine and cheese!)
nh headshot photographer by Melissa Koren Photography. You can see more of my work online at melissakoren.com and also on Facebook and Instagram! If you’d rather contact me directly, please email me at melissa@melissakoren.com!