When grandma lives on the beach with private access to your own little piece of heaven, it only makes sense to schedule some Plum Island Family Photos!
At the Sea-Side
When I was down beside the sea
A wooden spade they gave to me
To dig the sandy shore.
My holes were empty like a cup.
In every hole the sea came up
Till it could come no more.
Sweet sweet baby Sydney isn’t quite big enough to dig holes with a wooden spade yet, but she loves sand more than any baby I’ve ever met. She was the happiest, giddiest, cutest little sea-side girl I’ve seen!
And the apple of everyone’s eye- but most especially her Grammy. And I think they feeling is entirely mutual!
Hello family I just plucked from the pages of a catalog. I feel like this is the picture that would come in the frame when you buy it from the store. Right?
Happy baby toes in the sand!
She already has Daddy wrapped around her little finger. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
All babies are loveable. All babies deserve love. But Sydney’s hit the jackpot. She is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED!
As we neared the end of the session, we decided to bring out Myrtle. (yes!) It’s so true that chill people have chill pets and chill kids. If there were ever a case study to be had, this family would be the poster children. Myrtle was the calmest, chillest, non-chalantist (yes I’m making up words) dog I’ve ever photographed. This whole family was just so joyous and excited to be together.