You might remember this little charmer from his Newborn Session – his sweet snuggliness has only become more snuggly and he’s basically mastered his flirty smile at a very early age. We got together for his 6-month photos and then an epic Massachusetts Cake Smash!
He’s quite proud of his sitting up abilities. But he’s easily distracted by how much he loves chomping on his toes.
His fur baby brothers are pretty in love with him too.
Mom squeezed him in some skinny jeans. I almost couldn’t take pictures because I was laughing so hard at him trying to bend to sit, and the faces he was making at himself!
And just like that – he was one year old! (look at those chompers!)
He was a total goof for his cake smash session – he was completely enamored by me 😉 (I mean, who can blame him!)
Ok, maybe he was completely enamored with his monkey. Such a love!
There’s no question who runs the show in this family 😉
Runaway baby!
Best/Favorite/Love <3
After the family pictures, dad set up mom’s incredible handiwork. She just whipped together this sign, and oh – threw together a cake. Guys, I’m not that ambitious, but I love that you are!
Mmmmm, cake! [full disclosure: Connor, like many one-year-olds had very little interest in the cake itself. Dad had the BRILLIANT idea to put a few teddy grahams (his favorite) into the frosting and he went digging for them. #problemsolver!]