That’s literally not something I’d EVER thought I’d say. (Especially being that it’s August right now) but man, sunny NH Winter Family Photos in fresh fallen snow? It kinda sings to me!
These two little dudes (and their parents) were super excited to show me around their new backyard! The super tall pines run along the river. The various slopes that I’m sure will become daredevil sled runs as the boys get older.
It’s a perfect winter wonderland!
We rescheduled from a forecasted super cold day, to a warmer day, then in between this blanket of snow fell and I’m so glad it worked out the way it did!
NH Winter Family Photos. Wedding, Family and Newborn + Brand Photographer Melissa Koren Photography photographs good people. (How’s that for overuse of a word!) This NH based photographer provides a relaxed approach where the value is put on fun and efficiency.