Robyn & Chris 01.23.10 Part I

It was wedding time!  I headed to Robyn’s room. 

The girls’ flowers – the peacock theme was amazing. 

And integrated into every possible place they could.  Check out the fabulousity of those tights!  All the ladies had them.   

Cloaks & dresses.  Being January in DC and outside Robyn & Chris ensured that the gang would be ready to brave any weather.

Her mum helped get her ready with care and precision.

After the dress was laced it was time to help Robyn get in her shoes. Well – – her footwear. AYKM!? HeckYES! 


Robyn does something topsecret in NV. Ok, maybe it’s not topsecret but I can’t remember exactly.  I know she flies jets though!  After the last of the final touches we headed to the Amphitheater.

Robyn’s sisters & the OMG so cute flower girls.

Her dad walked her down the stairway and Chris met her at the bottom and walked her the rest of the way to the stage.  Look at their look!  

Chris’ parents & Robyn’s parents.  They make me cry – so proud of their children! (and rightfully so!!) 

The Mason District Park Amphitheater.  Wow.  

The ceremony was full of amazing stories of the two of them.  Having never met Chris and really only knowing Robyn casually it took no time at all for me to feel like I’d known these two forever and to be completely enveloped in the world that is their friends & family.

Done! I think Chris’ smile is going to leap right off his face! 🙂 

I can’t look at this without laugh-crying.  The adorable red head had been sure she would help the sweet blonde.  She thought she was right next to her and when she turned to find her stumbling a few steps back she was so concerned! 

Birdseed in a park is a wonderful idea!

Until you realize that the people you invited to your wedding are ruthless and chucking it at you full force! 😉

Maybe it was because I got to spend so much time with this group but I could not get enough of their interactions and loving.   

Chris those are great boots – but – I think they’re sort of outshined by the green bling platforms! 


I have to say that the advantage to being so behind in my blogs is getting to relive this over again all this time later.  It still feels like yesterday!  And wait til you see the reception – I wish we could do it all over again tomorrow!!

…to be continued… 





Destination: Funville 01.22.10

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