I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before that I’m a townie. Though I was born in Massachusetts, we’ve lived in the Exeter area since I was in 6th grade. I hated it at first. HATED IT. I mean, what kid wants to be uprooted at the peak of awkward from the friends that already accept her and thrown into a whole new environment. Not this kid, that’s for sure. But, over the next few years it started to grow on me, and by High School, I found a home .. in the chorus room. The music department of my school was much like all the music and drama I’ve ever been a part of. A big melting pot. There were kids from every walk of life, every grade, and at least half the sports. And you all kind of knew each other. You became good friends with some, and you could make brief eye contact without feeling hatred in the halls with others. (There were a few rivals too, but every life story needs at least one villain) Anyway.. There in the choir room is where I first met Tamara. We sat at the same lunch table too. It was a more than brief eye contact but less than good friends scenario. An acquaintance with nothing but positive vibes if you will. A few years ahead of me, I remember her, and then she graduated. And that seemed to be the end of it.
But I’m a townie, and inevitably, there are a myriad of other folks who are too. So a few years back, I was working with the Exeter Chamber of Commerce. I went to my first get-together and I was greeted by a lovely woman with a name tag that said Tamara. And she recognized me. We facebook friended and we’ve stayed in contact ever since. We’ve collaborated on a few things, including the Mother’s Day Bazaar at Jewelle Towne Vineyards a few years back. Being FB friends I’ve watched her falling in love with Lindsey. I’ve run into them hand in hand at the farmer’s market. And I squealed with delight when I saw they were engaged. You can only imagine my reaction when she asked me what dates I still had available to be their wedding photographer!!!
We met up for engagement photos at the scene of the First Date. I’d never been to Crackskulls in Newmarket, but I’d always wanted to check it out so when she suggested we start there I was super excited. A cup of coffee for him. A cup of tea for her.
And a little reenactment of the original date, in their original seats.
But since they’re a little more cozy with one another now, we moved over to snuggle on the couch.
Then, as the sun was getting lower, we walked over to the Newmarket footbridge, a gorgeous, simple piece of architecture that completely glowed with warmth and charm. Just like Tamara & Lindsey.
Are you kidding me?! *swoon*
Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Stop and breathe in the love. It’s contagious.
The falls are on one side –
The docks on the other.
I think T said something jokingly about how cliche – big doors and pictures. But whatever, I love them.
Then they started walking back to the car and I lingered behind and saw the perfect snuggle opportunity. And man did they ever take advantage of it!
It’s just a few short months til their wedding, and I cannot WAIT to see how their love explodes in Summer!